Would You Rather? With Jonny From Don’t Stop Living

WOULD YOU RATHER? A series of interviews with Travellers, Bloggers, Travel Bloggers and just generally interesting people. We’ll ask a series of difficult travel questions with two possible answers. They’ll tell us what they would choose and why.

For this Article we have Jonny from Don’t Stop Living a website and blog of his personal journey around the world. A travelling Northern Irishman who has been self employed since December 2012 as a professional travel blogger. Jonny has an absolute passion for people, places, travel, history, culture, beer and football. Sometimes all at the same time…
Jonny currently lives in Gdańsk in Poland but he’s been around the world, a few times over. He grew up in the town of Bangor in Northern Ireland but since leaving has managed to travel, work and live all over the world, visiting all 7 continents and over 160 countries in the process, including truly some of the most obscure destinations on the planet including Bruny Island, Ladonia, Uzupis, Karakalpakstan, Podjistan and Krolestwo Dreamlandu.
These journeys are what makes him tick. Jonny believes everyday should be different and that life is an adventure. He lives a lifestyle of travel and wants to encourage his readers around the world that they can too, with a humorous, first hand and honest guide to travelling the world.
Now to the questions …

For the rest of your life only be allowed to leave your home country of Northern Ireland for 2 weeks a year or only spend 2 weeks a year in your home country?
2 weeks in Northern Ireland please, as I already dedicated over 60% of my life (aged 0 – 23) to living there, so it’s time to see more of the world! Real nationalists don’t have to live in their home country, but continue to promote it when they are not there! I’m still a Northern Irish nationalist no matter where I go! Plus I live in Poland now, so it would have been tougher if you had asked me 2 weeks in Poland or 2 weeks outside of Poland.
If you had to choose a theme song for your blog would it be Journey – Don’t Stop BE-LIVIN’ or Rihanna – Don’t Stop the LIVIN’?
Neither – both songs would make me sick and suicidal to be honest – that Journey song can be particularly annoying. I have my own song that I wrote myself called “Don’t Stop Living” and it’s much better than those two. But if I had to choose someone else’s song, I’d pick Doves – There Goes The Fear, Ash – Goldfinger or Oasis – Stand By Me. Or a Polish song called Jesli Tylko Chcesz.
In 2026, would you rather Northern Ireland win the World Cup or Bournemouth Win the Champions league?
Northern Ireland to win the World Cup. It’s where I grew up and my heart is from there. I didn’t visit Bournemouth until I was 14, although I have spent more of my adult life in that seaside town. Plus, money can buy success so the AFC Bournemouth dream could happen if any of us fans became rich and decided to give Eddie Howe and Jason Tindall the cash to buy Lionel Messi. But with Northern Ireland we rely on local talent and passion and it would be a big buzz for the country and the GAWA if we were to do that. It’s unlikely I’ll witness either event in my lifetime so anything is a bonus! I’ll take a World Cup appearance and the Cherries to get into Europe.
After feeding a hyena mouth to mouth, would you rather your next up close and personal animal experience was Great White Shark Cage diving in South Africa or trekking to meet the Gorilla’s in Uganda?
Well definitely not the gorillas in Uganda. I was just in Uganda and we decided to do the gorillas in DR Congo as Uganda is way too popular for it and over-priced. When we got there, there was nothing but corruption and high expense, so you can give the money to charity or get me a pint of Guinness instead. Plus, I’m not keen on South Africa either but at a push I’d go back just for the great white shark cage as it would surely be an experience to cherish. To put it in context, the hyena feeding cost about a fiver ($5). But I’d probably prefer if you gave the money to a mental health charity in Northern Ireland or the Pomorskie province of Poland.
Would you rather live for a year on Easter Island or Antarctica?
Easter Island for sure as I have already been to Antarctica, so I want somewhere new and always had Easter Island on my list. Though, if I’d already been to both places, it would be a tougher decision and in that case, I’d probably choose Antarctica.
For the duration of a two week trip would you rather eat Chinese food in India or Indian food in China?
Easy choice. Indian food in China! In fact, I love China more than India and I love Indian food more than Chinese, so it’s a very easy question for me! I spent far too long eating Chinese food and there is a blandness and lack of intensity in their food. Plus it gets really repetitive with all the rice, chicken and pork dishes with a cup of Chinese tea. Indian food is delicious – especially the spicy dishes and I love a good paneer with roti. There is much more diversity too and I love a good Lassi to drink down with my chicken paneer. Plus It was never my dream to go back to India, but China, I am always gasping for more.
One of your crazier stories is losing $1000 tubing in Laos. Would you rather get that money back in Lonely Planet books or Tayto crisps to the value of $1000?
Another easy choice. Tayto Crisps every time, preferably half of Cheese and Onion flavour and the others a mix, dominated by the epicly spelt Wuster Sauce.
Would you rather never be able to use a plane or a car again for transport?
Another easy answer. Aeroplane. I hate flying. Car, backpacking and boat loyal tourist here. I only take flights because it was often the cheapest and easiest way to travel but get rid of them. We don’t need or want aeroplanes as they destroy the magic of travel and are also part of the reason for so many rubbish travel blogs, Instagram wannabes and the dreaded “Influencers” – get those guys on a 23 day cruise without planes, and with horrible food and no Wi-Fi and see how they really love travel. I still love getting the Belfast to Birkenhead ferry. Also as I live in Poland currently, I can get trains or buses to around 30 countries, so flights are not a priority for me in life any more.
Having drank a Guinness at the DMZ between North and South Korea, would you rather your next risky Guinness was at Nevada State Route 375 otherwise known as Extraterrestrial Highway beside Area 51 or at Darvaza gas crater in Turkmenistan known locally as the Gates of Hell?
Well I’ve already had a beer by the Darvaza Gas crater in Turkmenistan, so for sure I’d go to Nevada this time, and probably check out the Grand Canyon and Las Vegas while I’m over there. Plus, Islamic countries aren’t always the best for having a beer in – the American culture is much better for that!
Would you rather climb to Everest Base Camp at 5,380m or Mount Kilimanjaro at 5,895m?
Again, selfishly I’d have to pick Everest Base Camp as I have yet to visit Nepal or Tibet but I have been to both Kenya and Tanzania. I’m getting older now and I don’t need repeat countries unless there’s a football match, friends or family or a concrete reason.
Would you rather play 5-a-side football at Adidas Futsal Park on top of a building in Central Tokyo or a floating pitch in Thailand?
I’m not a fan of Thailand at all so easy choice – Tokyo! Plus I wasn’t fair on Japan on my only visit there so to see it again would be brilliant and I could catch up with one of the last remaining genuine bloggers who lives there – Justin Egli who runs Ikimasho and grew up in Bangor. In fact he’d be the first name on my team sheet in Tokyo!
Nothing compares to a a Fireball Festival in Nejapa (El Salvador) but would you rather participate in the Haro Wine Battle in June near Bilbao or La Tomatina in August near Valencia?
La Tomatina is much more my scene and I loved Valencia, so I’d be happy to go back for that as long as the tomatoes are not totally wasted and money is given to charity. If the tomato festival is in bad taste and wastes good food, I’d opt for the wine festival, or just give the money to charity.
Would you rather visit Oktoberfest in Munich for one week and not be able to drink any beer only water or visit Pizza Fest in Naples for a week and not be able to eat any Pizza only salad?
Again, I’ve been to Munich and I’m not a big fan of it, nor of German beer or culture, so an easy choice here – Italy. Napoli is a new city for me and I’m a Maradona geek so I could visit the stadium there and eat salad and ice cream with no issue.