Would You Rather? With Evie from Simple Explorer!

WOULD YOU RATHER? A series of interviews with Travellers, Bloggers, Travel Bloggers and just generally interesting people. We’ll ask a series of difficult travel questions with two possible answers. They’ll tell us what they would choose and why.

For this Article we have Evie from Simple Explorer a blog about everything related to fitness, travel & adventure!
Evie has a mission to run & travel the world! On her blog you will find her travel, fitness & food tips, videos and reviews – which can help give you information that can last a lifetime. Ever since she was young, Evie has wanted for nothing more than to keep fit & explore.
Why Simpleexplorer? Well Evie wanted to showcase her passion for adventures but keeping it simple, to have something that everyone can do and achieve. There for those that feel that they can, will and do anything that they put their minds to.
Evie’s ideas to travel further came from a month long experience backpacking around Mozambique & Swaziland, including helping build a school for a local tribe and living in Norway for a year working as a husky sled guide. With a very simple goal is to inspire, to encourage and to make people happy and interested in anything and everything she writes.
Now to the questions …

For the rest of your life only be allowed to leave your home country of the United Kingdom for 2 weeks a year or only spend 2 weeks a year in your home country?
I would pick to spend 2 weeks a year in my home country. I love home, I am a home girl, but to be able to use the rest of the year to go see the world – that is the dream. Knowing I can still come back and spend the 2 weeks at home would be a great treat, but I would use the rest of the year to the max and then return home with stories of all the adventures.
For the duration of a 2 week trip would you rather eat Italian food in Spain or Spanish food in Italy?
Oo now that is a good question, I think I would have to pick Italian food in Spain. As much as I love Spanish food, Italian food is always a good go to for me.
Which Big 6 Marathon would you rather get a free place into New York or Boston?
Definitely Boston! I have to be honest, I can’t qualify on my marathon running time for Boston until I’m about 70 as I am such a steady runner. I would love to BQ (Boston Qualify) one day but that’s probably not going to happen unless I get the free entry!
You’ve already ticked the Taj Mahal off your bucket list, for your new Wonder of the World, would you rather visit Christ the Redeemer in Rio, Brazil or Machu Picchu in Cusco, Peru?
Machu Picchu. I would definitely do one of the treks to get there as well. I think there’s definitely a sense of achievement when you arrive at Machu Picchu, for me, it’s always been on the list, I like the challenge that you take to get to the wonder.
Would you rather visit Big Major Cay, an uninhabited island in the Exuma area of the Bahamas known as Pig Beach to swim and play with the pigs or the popular resort of Okunoshima, known as Rabbit Island in Japan, to play with the rabbits?
This is a really hard one, I love animals so much so picking between the two is hard. I think I would have to go for Pig Beach though. Pigs are so smart, cute and fun, I would definitely love to hang out with them on the beach.
Would you rather take 4 minutes off your best 10K time to get under one hour at the Budapest 10K or take 4 minutes off your best marathon time to get under five hours at the fast flat Berlin marathon?
I would go for under 5 hours at the marathon. For me, a marathon is my biggest achievement, and it only happens once a year (or every other year depending on when I get a chance to run) – so getting under that 5 hour mark would be amazing.
The Asian Hiking Trilogy consists of Mount Fuji and two other mountains, of the other two, would you rather summit Kinabalu in Malaysia at a height of 4,095m or summit Yushan in Taiwan at a height of 3,952 metres?
Mount Kinabalu. It’s actually a bit of a sad story, but I used to work at an expedition company and I was on the emergency phones when the 2015 Sabah earthquake happened. We spent the next few days helping out the groups who were in the area and communicating with locals who were affected by the earthquake. I saw the impact it had on the area, and so for me, I would pick Kinabalu, just to see it in person and understand it all a bit more.
You’ve went on a G-adventures trip North to South India on a Shoestring! For your next G-adventures trip which of the Jane Goodall Collection would you rather get a place on the 14 day highlights of Madagascar tour or the 9 day Galapagos Island Hopping tour?
Two places on my bucket list! But I think I’m going to go with the 9 day Galapagos Island Hopping tour. I’m going to thank David Attenborough for that! The way he speaks about the islands, his passion and love for nature/animals really makes me want to go and see it all.
Would you rather conduct an interview for your site and then complete a 5k park run with Paula Radcliffe or Jessica Ennis-Hill?
You really are making this hard!! I think I would pick Jessica Ennis-Hill, she was very present when I really started getting into fitness, and someone I really admired, so to have the chance to interview and run with would be amazing – but I would love to do that with Paula as well haha!
You’ve already had an article published by @womensrunninguk, would you rather receive an all expenses paid trip to write a review for them of the Crissy Fields Park Run in San Francisco with a view of the Golden Gate Bridge followed by a trip to Alcatraz or Beach Strip Park Run in Hamilton Canada followed by a trip to Niagara Falls?
I’m going to go with Crissy Fields Park Run & Alcatraz. If I’m honest, this one is just based on opportunity/accessibility. I think we might be heading to Canada travelling next year so will most likely try and tick off Niagara Falls. Whilst I don’t think I would have the chance to visit San Francisco unless I had an opportunity like this – plus how cool would it be to go to Alcatraz!
You studied Adventure Education at University and have said Adventure is definitely in your system. As you are always up for crazy adventures, which Spanish festival would you rather take part in La Tomatina the tomato based food fight or the Haro Wine Battle a red wine based water fight?
La Tomatina. Although I have just researched into the Haro Wine Battle and it looks cool – we studied La Tomatina during my Spanish GCSE. I had to actually do a presentation on it, and so just to actually experience something I researched when I was younger would be a fun thing to do.
You have worked as a husky sled guide in Norway and also run obstacle course races with your dogs but for your next canine themed adventure would you rather go to Nepal to see Kukur Tihar an entire day dedicated to all dogs in which they are dressed up in garlands made of flowers and decorated with ceremonial paints, plus, every dog, including strays, are fed like a king for a day or Woofstock in Toronto – North America’s largest dog festival which includes doggie talent and fashion shows, contests, and loads of exhibitors showing off all the newest dog toys and treats?
Kukur Tihar definitely. An entire day dedicated to loving dogs – definitely. For me, this is the best way to love an animal, to celebrate them, feed and treat them like kings – thats the best thing we could ask for.